Winnebago Walleye Series Official Rules
- Each team must complete an online WWS entry form, waiver form, and submit payment through our website.
- The entry fee for the series for each team is $820. ($180 for each of the first 3 tournaments and $280 for the championship) The team membership fee is $60. Team membership fees must be paid with series entry fees for the year. (Full series & membership fee = $880)
- Each team will consist of 2 Captains. If one/two of the two captains cannot fish, an alternate partner may fish. A partner change must be put in by 12:00 Noon the Wednesday prior to each tournament. A partner change form can be found on our website and must be submitted by 12:00 (noon) on the Wednesday prior to each tournament. There are no exceptions. If you did not make a partner change by the Wednesday deadline, then you may choose to fish the tournament yourself. (DNR rules will apply). If you wish to qualify for the team of the year you must fish with the same partner or without your original partner that you entered the series with for the entire four tournament series.
- February 1st – 14th for captains that signed-up for all 4 tournaments the previous year. In order to hold your current place in the WWS one of the 2 captains that signed-up last year must sign-up this year. If both captains choose to split into 2 new teams, then only 1 team will be guaranteed your current spot. The other team will then be added to the bottom of the current WWS waiting list.
- February 15th – 28th, if there are any spots still available, WWS will go to the current waiting list to fill the 75 boat cap.
- March 1st – April 15th, if there are any spots still available, anglers can complete an online entry form for the full series and they will be accepted on a first come first serve basis until the 75 boat cap has been met.
- April 16th – 25th, if there are any spots still available, anglers can complete an online entry form for an individual tournament(s) and they will be accepted on a first come first serve basis until the 75 boat cap has been met. (In order to fish the Championship, you must fish 2 of the 3 regular tournaments)
- No refunds apply at any time. No refunds will be made nor will credit be extended for any cancellations. Disqualification from a tournament, for any reason, will result in forfeiture of entry fee. No refunds or credits are extended to teams that choose not to fish due to inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances.
- A mandatory WWS rules meeting will be held on the Saturday prior to the first tournament at Columbia Park N10340 Calumet Harbor Road Malone, WI 53049. Team check-in will take place from 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm and at least one Captain MUST be present.
- Each team must check-in between 5:15 am – 6:15 am. Boat check-in will take place on land, to the west of the public restroom facility. Boats may still check-in dockside if they launch at another landing. (you must let the tournament director know at the rules meeting if you will be docking at another launch) If you are not checked in or in line by 6:15 am you will be disqualified from that tournament.
- Each team will receive an official bump-board with their boat number on it. This is what teams will use to judge fish length. The bump-board must be turned back in to WWS at the end of each tournament or you will be subject to a $50 fine.
- First flight takes off at 6:30 am with a shotgun start. Second flight takes off at 7:00 am and MUST remain in the harbor until the first flight has been released. If you go out earlier than your scheduled flight time you will be disqualified from that tournament.
- First flight must be off plane and in line inside the second buoy by 3:00 pm. Second flight must be off plane and in line inside the second buoy by 3:30 pm. At 3:01 / 3:31 pm, you are late and will be disqualified from that day’s tournament. No exceptions.
- Teams must show their card with their boat number on it to the W.W.S. Volunteers positioned on the south side of the harbor entrance. Make sure you exchange acknowledgement with the individual at check in. If you do not have any fish, please turn in your bump board to the W.W.S Volunteers catching boats.
- Weigh-in will start as early as 1:00 pm.
- If an emergency presents itself or you have equipment failure you must call a member of the WWS at 920-273-5994. You are still responsible for being in on time.
- Any boat used in the tournament(s) must have boater’s liability insurance.
- All WWS tournaments will be conducted as a catch-hold-and release event.
- All boats must comply with all Coast Guard Rules and Regulations and the WI DNR Regulations. Any ticket(s) issued by the Coast Guard or DNR the day of any tournament must be reported and the team will be disqualified from that individual tournament.
- Life jackets are mandatory for each person on the boat and must be worn while under power at 10 MPH or faster. Under 10 MPH life jackets are not required to be worn. This is a PFC/WWS requirement.
- The WWS Board has the right to delay or cancel a tournament due to inclement weather. If a tournament is delayed the finish time will remain the same. If a tournament is canceled all prize money will be distributed equally between all participating boats. If the Championship is canceled the accrual of points from the first 3 tournaments will be used to determine the winners.
- No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs may be possessed or consumed during tournament hours. If a participant is suspected of any use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs they will be subject to testing by the Sheriff's Department. If a team is found consuming alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs, they will be disqualified from the entire series.
- Tournament boundaries for the Series is open to the entire the Winnebago system and its tributaries.
- Teams may weigh 4 fish and each fish must be a minimum of 15 inches according to the official bump board that is supplied by the W.W.S. If a short fish is measured, you will lose the short fish and the heaviest fish in your basket. If the length of a fish is in question the bump board master, and one of the boats captains and a W.W.S. member will make the decision together. One Sauger may be weighed in the 4 total fish limit and must be 15” minimum. DNR culling rules will apply to all tournaments. Each dead fish will result in a 0.25# deduction. Dead fish will consist of no gill movement. Any fish that looks like it was not caught on that day will be subject to further judgement by the W.W.S. members. Any cheating will result in disqualification from the entire Series.
- Any alteration of fish will result in disqualification from the WWS Series for life. (Ex: adding weights)
- Each team’s total weight including “dead fish deduction” will determine the final tournament standings. The team with the most weight wins the tournament.
- In the event of a tie during the individual tournaments, the team that had their basket weighed first would be determined the winner. This goes for any place, whether it is 1st place or 75th place. (Ex: Team “A” weighed in 5.5# at 3:20 pm & Team “B” weighed in 5.5# at 3:05 pm – Team “B” would win the tie breaker because their basket was weighed first in their flight fishing time.)
- If a team wishes to challenge another team’s catch or fishing practice for the tournament day:
- Concerns must be brought to the tournament director no later than ½ hour after the last boat has checked in.
- If a polygraph test is requested, all payouts will be delayed. The team challenging the integrity of another team will be required to pay for the polygraph test. If the team being questioned passes the polygraph test, the team questioning the integrity of that team will forfeit their prize money but will keep their weight and place. (Prize money will be donated to the Holyland Food Pantry). If the challenged team fails the polygraph test, they will forfeit their prize money as well as their day’s catch and place. All results will only be shared with the affected teams, the WWS tournament director, and the President of the Pipe Fishing Club.
- All questions for the polygraph test will be composed from the WWS rules.
- The WWS / Pipe Fishing Club will not publicize the reason for the payment delay or who is involved at any time. Results of the tournament will be posted online after places can be determined, checks will be handed out at the next tournament or mailed out.
- To be eligible for the Family Team of the Year Awards you must fish all 4 tournaments with no substitutions. Family is defined as: spouse, sibling, child, stepchild, or grandparent.
- Each event’s point earnings total will be based on the number of boats entered in the tournament series. Points will be awarded as shown in this example if 75 boats are entered: 1st place- 75 points, 2nd place- 74 points, 3rd place- 73 points descending down 1 point per place to the last team with weight. (no team will go below 0)
- All teams with no weight will receive 10 points less than the team with the lowest weight.
- Registered teams who do not show up for the event nor notify the WWS committee members that they will not show prior to the event will receive 0 points. Disqualified teams will also receive 0 points.
- Registered teams who notify the WWS committee that they will not be able to make an event prior to the tournament will receive the same points as a team who did not catch a fish (10 points less than the team with the lowest weight)
- Team of the Year Award will be based on the total weight from all 4 tournaments. You must fish the entire Series to be eligible for the Team of the Year Award. In the event of a tie in the total weight, the tie breaker would be the number of most live fish throughout the series. The second tie breaker would be the biggest basket throughout the series.
Winnebago Walleye Series Tournament Payouts
Tournament payout will be 80% for the first 3 tournaments and 100% payout for the Championship. The first 3 tournaments will pay the top 20% of the field. Tournament awards/prizes will only be presented to participating teams on the day of the tournament during the awards ceremony. At least one team member must be present to be eligible to receive awards/prizes. Note: All of the pay-out checks will be void after 60 days of receipt.
The WWS is a NTC (National Team Championship) qualifying series.
The WWS is allotted a certain amount of spots for the NTC tournament, which will be held June 19-21, 2025 on Lake Francis Case in Pickstown, SD.
- The NTC also offers side pots for each WWS event and must have 10 teams minimum signed up for side pots to be valid. Anglers must sign up for this on their own by 5 am tournament day.
- NTC entries are determined by each team’s overall weight from all 4 tournaments.
- If your team wins a NTC Side Pot at one of the WWS events you must fish the NTC with the captain that you placed with or you can fish with an individual that was signed up in the NTC side pot for that tournament.
- If the NTC gives the WWS any additional entries and you signed up for NTC side pots, you will be eligible for an entry depending on the number of side pots your team signed up for, and your overall tournament weight.
- If you do not sign up for any NTC side pots you do not qualify for the NTC, unless there are still spots available after those who signed up for the side pots. Then you will be given the opportunity to submit an entry.
- More info about the NTC can be found at